At Next Step Heritage, we’ve been asked a number of times about events listings and how to make it easier for people to see what’s going on around them. That’s why we’ve developed an event map which can sit alongside your normal events calendar, on your club’s website, and enables people to look for events going on nearby.

At the core of every club are the events you organise and attend, whether attendance at the big shows or an overseas tour. This is where people meet, friendships are made, ideas exchanged and the real enjoyment of being part of a club comes to life.

It has already been populated with a long list of events happening up and down the UK and you can submit any events that you think are missing.



It’s completely free and we’re continually updating our events list so it will always have up to date information.

You can select which types of events you wish to show when you put it on your website and can even fix the timeframe. It is completely in your control with our embed code generator.

Or if you’d like your events to be seen by more people, you can ensure they are included in our map by filling out the submission form here.

So, you’d like to try it on your website? Here’s the bit for webmasters…

Anyone with a login to edit your website will be able to get this tool added with the simple ‘embed generator’ you will find here. Simply select the filtering you would like in regards to type of event and/or time frame. This will create a code which you simply add to the relevant page on your site.



If you have any questions or suggestions, please just drop us a line here and we’ll do our best to help.

Coming soon, is a similar embed which will give you the auction results for a particular make or model.

Have a look at for a taster.